This innovative magnetic charging adapter will make your . ZNAPS is a specially designed magnetic connection adapter for your mobile devices. Connection is just a snap away. We covered it at the time, as did dozens of other tech sites including Cult of Mac, Gizmodo, CNET, Pocket Lint and Engadget.
I actually backed it myself.
The creator of the project Phiona (Pui Woon Leung) clearly states that they are based out of Canada. The project is even being funded in CA so that seems to check . ZNAPS and others Magnetic Cable Comparison - Duration: 4:26. Znaps seemed like another great project to over achieve their goal on kickstarter. Ryan Whitwam in Accessories, News.
The Znaps charger – which is currently on sale on KickStarter for $ or £5. An adapter is then fitted to your usual charging cable so that the two snap together using magnets. Lightning or MicroUSB charging port.
Hong Kong media report that accused the company of crowdfunding fraud. Biggest flaw I can see is that it appears to be charge only. Slightly nervous about their . A bunch of con artists now selling on Amazon.
I wonder if customers ever receive anything. They received their percentage. Hide behind every reason they can think of.
ZNAPS after numerous promises NEVER delivered their product to the backers. Kickstarter is to blame not having a good enough vetting program. Based on the response from the . Once installed you have a MacBook style magnetic charger for your mobile devices. ZNAPS devised a new method for charging that eliminates frayed wires and fiddling for the charging port on your devices.
Dabei handelte es sich um eine Art magnetisches Ladekabel, welches nicht nur schnell angesteckt ist, sondern sich zusätzlich nicht als Stolperfalle entpuppt, . Suddenly, you have magnetic charging! Pourquoi donc Znaps voudrait t-il re-financer sur Indiegogo des étapes de fabrications . Man möchte sein mobiles Gerät laden oder am PC Daten austauschen und muss erst den Kabelstecker einstecken.
Evtl noch bei schlechten Sichtbedingungen und dann auch noch richtig herum. Danke Nico für den Hinweis. Auch auf BlackBerryBase.
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