Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. Common name, Wavy hair-grass. Conservation Status: Native. Lerchenfeldia flexuosa (L. ) Schur Čeleď: Poaceae Barnhart – lipnicovité.
Turecko, Írán, Kavkaz, ruský Dálný . Blätter fadenförmig eingerollt, glänzend.
Blatthäutchen bis mm lang. Rispe mit abstehenden, glatten oder rauen, geschlängelten, meist purpurroten Ästen. Hüllspelzen, die obere länger als die untere. Source: The PLANTS Database, database ( version .1). A Manual ofthe Botany ofthe . Within this type, Calamagrostis villosa descends to lower (ca.
6m) altitudes. A Vaccinium myrtillus-type (5d) is found on sites with a mosaic of earth and boulders. Vai a Anarchive Altri links disponibili solo agli iscritti.
Riferimenti bibliografici: Sp. Au nord du Québec, on retrouve parfois de larges colonies de cette poacée sur les pentes des montagnes. Nomi comuni: Italia Nome italiano: Migliarino capellino. Plant Diversity and Evolution Volume 1No.
Sweden Swedish name: kruståtel. Pianta erbacea perenne, . Arundo flexuosa (L.) Clairv. Avena flexuosa (L.) Mert. Feuilles enroulées- sétacées, vert foncé, luisantes. Panicule lâche, à rameaux lisses ou scabres, flexueux, gén.
Aira caryophyllaea Leers Aira collina (Dumort.) B. Spermatophytae - fröväxter. Angiospermae - blomväxter. Liliopsida - enhjärtbladiga blomväxter.
Four sites in blueberry mountain birch forest in Vingelen, Tolga, Hedmark, was fenced in and harvested at . Species With Barcodes: 1. Translations for wood hairgrass hair grass deschampsia flexuosa syn aira flexuosa avenella flexuosa in the PONS Online Spanish English Dictionary: airar. Fungal endophytes have been shown to be extremely widespread and abundant in terrestrial plants.
It is also known that fungal endophytes may affect the grazing intensity of the host plant. This, in turn, presupposes the sustainable formation of a . Unported license (CC-By-SA- Unported).
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