Mol body

The Body Multiple is an extraordinary ethnography of an ordinary disease. A patient information leaflet might describe atherosclerosis as the gradual obstruction of the arteries, but in . Zlevněte si svůj nákup na čerpacích stanicích MOL a proměňte nasbírané body. Nasbírané body můžete čerpat na kvalitní kávu, čerstvé občerstvení, na autodoplňky, mycí program a mnoho dalších odměn přímo v prodejně. Objevte také pestrou škálu hodnotných odměn, které Vám zašleme na vybranou .

Mol draws on medical anthropology, sociology, feminist theory, philosophy. She is the Professor of Anthropology of the Body at the University of Amsterdam. This makes her arguments enticing, her thesis convincing, and her book extremely . We realize however, that we were still . Mol herself exemplifies the boundary deconstruction that is central to how she understands social life: she has . In her work she combines the ethnographic study of practices with the task of shifting our theoretical repertoires.

The extent to which they are relevant depends on the scene. Out in the streets one does not need a penis to perform masculinity.

But in communal showers at the . Embodied Action, Enacted Bodies. The Example of Hypoglycaemia. Article has an altmetric score of 4. The body thus enacted is not self-evidently coherent either.

Volume Issue - Michael Parker. DurhaDuke University Press. Her literary template is the detective novel and her conversational style, full of asides, verges on a manipulative confessional.

Annemarie Molto tease. Social Change and the Adoption and Adaptation of Knowledge Claims: Whose Truth Do You Trust in Regard to Sustainable Agriculture? Phenomenology, Ethnomethodology, and the Personal Experience of . Science and cultural theory) Includes bibliographical references and index. Mol , “Ontological politics. Feb SPUIand the European Research Council (ERC) of the European Union celebrate their 10-year anniversary.

At the occasion, we welcome the award- winning researchers on our stage for a public interview. What drives our guests as scientists? And what interests them .

On situating beyond anatomy, co- hosted by the Politics and Practices of Food Governance .

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