Agrostis capillaris

Agrostis capillaris is a rhizomatous and stoloniferous perennial in the grass family (Poaceae). Colonial bent grows in moist grasslands and open meadows, and can also be found in agricultural areas, roadsides, and invading disturbed areas. Druce Agrostis vulgaris With.

Its delicate flower and seed heads are loose and open. In older books you may find this plant listed as.

Though we call it Rhode Island bentgrass, this species was introduced from Europe, and is invasive in the northeastern and western states, as well as other parts of the world. Stolons absent, or present. Description: Tufted or rhizomatous perennials, sometimes spreading by stolons, usually to c. Culms slender, erect or spreading.

Inflorescence loose, divaricately . SY: Agrostis tenais Sibthorp SY: Agrostis tenuis var. Poaceae (Grass family) Introduction to Vascular Plants.

Photograph click to collapse contents. View all photos for this taxon. Map click to expand contents. General Species Description. This grass is a common perennial grass containing narrow leaves, kneehigh stems with large, diffuse, pinicle inflorescences, and many one-flowered spikelets are known for being the smallestt in north west Oregon and south west Washington.

Synonym, Agrostis tenuis. Common name, Colonial bentgrass. Status: Not declared noxious in Victoria. Agrestis polymorpha (Huds.) Bubani nom. Vasey, Agrostis alba subsp.

Es originaria de Eurasia y ha sido ampliamente introducida en muchas partes del mundo. It is a common weed of pastures and . Distribution from the Australasian Virtual . Hypochaeris radicata temporarily reached coverages of. Lolium perenne and Poa pratensis disappeared under sod removal and hay-making regimes, whereas different species temporarily .

Click on a photo to see it bigger. The colonial bentgrass name was based on its introduction to the . Panicle is purplish brown and always spreading, with whorled branches. Growth Habit: Graminoid.

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