Bushcraft sk

Potřeby pro bushcraft a pohodový život v přírodě. Nože, oblečení, batohy, svítilny, rozdělání ohně, vaření a spaní v přírodě. Blog o prírode, zálesáctve a remeselnej tvorbe z dreva, kovu či kože.

Zdravím, vo videu prezentujem nôž Mora Bushcraft Survival oranžovej (reflexnej) farby. Prvé slovenské diskusné fórum o bushcrafte.

O technikách prežitia v lese, výstroji , akciách. Large logs is a good help for build . Your personal bushcraft knife is a working tool - one which if well looked after, will become invaluable to you when experiencing outdoor living. Prinášame exkluzívnu novinku - custom kúsok z produkcie slovenských majstrov remesla.

Nôž je vyrobený ručne bez použitia elektrických točivých strojov. These fire steels are encased `papousse style` with hand crafted cases. The leather lanyard is long enough for the fire steel to be worn around the neck if required.

You have a choice from Buffalo Horn and many different woods.

Please note - each one is hand carved . I create all my blades by hand from raw bar stock - although very time consuming, the achieved speaks for itself. Once I have cut by han I carry out several heat treatment processes . The choice of handle material, means different things to different people. Some prefer to choose by colour, others prefer to base their selection on a personal favourite, spiritual meaning or folklore however, you would be forgiven if you thought it was just a handle!

Each handle is sculpted and sanded by hand to achieve . SK -4 Custom Handmade Damascus Steel Bushcraft Knife- Rose Wood Handle with Damascus Steel Guard Rock Solid Damascus Steel Blade Knife. Inches, Blade Length = 04. Morakniv nôž Bushcraft Survival Black, Produkt od známej spoločnosti Morakniv vám bude zaručene robiť radosť po dlhú dobu. Nôž patrí medzi najrobustnejšie nože z produkcie Mora. Portál pre všetkých milovníkov prírody.

Sk -19 Custom Handmade Damascus Steel Bushcraft Knife – Stunning Easy Grip Handle. Whether you are training as part of your employment for certifiacation or simply want to experience a new adventure and enhance your survival and bush craft skills we have. For more information about how our trips help you learn wilderness survival, contact SOS Wilderness Survival Inc.

Bruno, Saskatchewan , Canada.

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